Trees as far as the eye can see. A sweet smell drifts through the leaves. Children’s excited voices fill the air. Something ripe and golden catches your eye. You can almost taste that first bite of juicy sweetness.
Have you guessed where I am yet?

If you guessed a peach orchard then you are correct! Today, I am visiting Wind Drift Orchard in Harrah, Okla. With two orchards and nearly 18,000 nectarine and peach trees, there’s picking fun for everyone!

Catch a ride on the tractor and enjoy the sun filtering through the branches of the trees. The staff at Wind Drift is happy to help you find the best peaches for that pie you have been wanting to try and the labeled rows make it easy to find the many varieties available.

Wind Drift even provides bags or boxes for you to fill as full as you want with peachy goodness.

Don’t have time to pick? Not a problem. Wind Drift Orchards sells pre-picked and frozen nectarines and peaches.

Summer is the perfect time to load up the family and take them to the closest U-Pick orchard or farm. There are many U-pick farms in Oklahoma providing produce ranging from peaches, berries, pumpkins, and vegetables that are just waiting for hands both big and small to come and pick ‘em clean. Check out the U-Pick category on the Oklahoma Agritourism website to see the full list.